run behavior\buildlitebehavior [ runtime:0.000012s ]
run common\behavior\inithookbehavior [ runtime:0.000644s ]
[ app_init ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000731s ]
[ app_begin ] --start--
run behavior\readhtmlcachebehavior [ runtime:0.000283s ]
run behavior\checklangbehavior [ runtime:0.000521s ]
[ app_begin ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000857s ]
[ view_parse ] --start--
[ template_filter ] --start--
run behavior\contentreplacebehavior [ runtime:0.000182s ]
[ template_filter ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000213s ]
run behavior\parsetemplatebehavior [ runtime:0.062710s ]
[ view_parse ] --end-- [ runtime:0.062736s ]
[ view_filter ] --start--
run behavior\writehtmlcachebehavior [ runtime:0.000130s ]
run common\behavior\tmplstripspacebehavior [ runtime:0.000085s ]
[ view_filter ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000250s ]
[ app_end ] --start--
[2048] declaration of content\controller\pagediscontroller::_empty() should be compatible with common\controller\appframecontroller::_empty() /www/wwwroot/ 第 65 行.
[8] undefined index: user /www/wwwroot/ 第 104 行.
[8] undefined index: user /www/wwwroot/ 第 106 行.